Why Do You Need Hearing Protection at Concerts?

three men performing a small concert outside

Attending concerts is a fun activity that many people go to regularly. Still, quite often, the topic of hearing protection at concerts can be pushed to the bottom of the planning list or overlooked entirely. This post looks at exactly why you need to consider hearing protection at concerts.

High Decibel Levels for Prolonged Periods

Most people are aware of the impact that over 100 decibels can have on your hearing, especially for prolonged periods. Unfortunately, for concertgoers, this is exactly what happens, which is why you will find that most carry a set of earplugs and are prepared in terms of hearing protection. 

In typical circumstances, such as at work, maximum exposure to 100 decibels should be 15 minutes only to maintain hearing strength and prevent hearing loss or damage. However, concerts can sometimes be up to ten times that length of time, with most lasting over two hours with continuous loud sounds. This is why you need hearing protection at concerts. If you have questions or require advice, your audiologist will be more than happy to assess your current situation. 

Prevent Ringing Ears 

Before, as much was known about hearing loss as today, typically, concertgoers would leave the venue at the end of the night and have ringing in their ears. That’s tinnitus, and rather than it being the sign of a good time, it is a form of hearing loss. You must speak to an audiologist if you continue to hear ringing in otherwise silent or ambient places, for example, laying in bed or driving in the car. 

Ensuring that you use hearing protection at concerts is the simplest step that you can take to prevent hearing loss. 

Hearing Protection Won’t Affect the Concert Experience.

Silicone or foam earplugs are pliable; you can roll them between your fingers and pop them into your ears at the very last minute with no complicated process involved. This form of hearing protection will expand inside your ear canal and mold your shape for a good protection level. But, of course, you will still hear your band playing their music as foam or silicone earplugs aren’t silencing; they serve to block loud sounds. These types of earplugs can be picked up from any dollar store, so they’re also easy to reach out for during your everyday travels.

Perhaps you enjoy the loud sounds of a concert and wish to continue experiencing this. Don’t let your hearing protection choice stop you! Custom earplugs are molded to your exact shape providing enhanced hearing protection compared to foam or silicone plugs. In addition, custom earplugs will effectively filter the music from the harmful sounds, giving you a great resulting experience of still being there at the concert, immersed in the sounds with no effect of muffling or muting. 

It Is Important to Rest Ears Whenever Possible

Another recommendation would be to get seats or standing positions far away from the amps or speakers at the concert. It may not be as effective as hearing protection itself, but it’s a step in the right direction towards being mindful of your hearing health, which should very much be welcome. Finally, when you leave the concert, make sure you give yourself some time to rest your ears too.

You should discuss ongoing hearing protection with your audiologist, who will advise you on your current hearing status and how best to protect your hearing in situations such as concerts, particularly depending on where your hearing health is right now.