What is the Purpose of a Hearing Aid Fitting?

a hearing loss patient being fitted for new hearing aids

If you’ve ever experienced hearing loss or have had to deal with anything of a similar nature, then you’ll know all about how it can impede life. Thankfully an audiologist can work with people who are dealing with hearing loss and provide them with a perfectly-fitted hearing aid. We all have varying degrees of hearing and hearing loss, so each situation will be different from the last, but a hearing aid fitting is an excellent option for those looking for a solution. Here, we’re going to discuss the purpose, the process, and the benefits. 

When would you need a hearing aid fitting?

A hearing aid is available for any and all who feel as though their hearing has declined to a certain point. They work by enhancing the sounds around us and amplifying them using a small speaker that is placed into the ear. If you reach a point whereby your hearing is no longer what it was, then a hearing aid fitting might want to be considered. 

What happens during a fitting session?

The fitting session will typically take about thirty minutes. It may take a little while longer depending on specifics linked to your situation. Your ears will be examined, and the audiologist will talk to you about the use of hearing aids.

They’ll also discuss how you’ll wear them and how things may sound. They’ll use real ear measurements to ensure the aids are set to the correct level with regard to your ear size and level of hearing loss. You’ll choose a digital hearing aid and it will be adjusted based on your individual requirements. 

The purpose and benefits of a fitting session

Firstly, as we’ve already touched on, the session with the audiologist will be helpful as you’ll be able to make sure your hearing aids fit perfectly. They will have the knowledge and experience to find the perfect device for you while installing it properly. You’ll likely try a few devices in order to find the right one.

Once the right fitting has been found, the audiologist will program them to tailor them to your specific needs and situation. The settings and volumes are both configured so that you have the right preferences sorted. 

A fitting session with an audiologist will also be beneficial as you’ll be able to learn everything you possibly need from the established professional. It won’t be a case of being handed the hearing aids and being sent on your way. You’ll learn about proper usage and maintenance for when you are left to your own devices.

They will also teach you about cleaning them and replacing the batteries. Finally, they’ll teach you about what to avoid and the safe places in which they should be stored.

The final benefit we’ll mention is that you’ll get to ask all the questions you have that have been weighing on your mind. It won’t just be a case of having things dictated to you – you’ll be able to understand things a lot better when nagging questions are put to rest.