Six Signs You Need Hearing Aid Repairs

a hearing aid being professionally repaired under a magnifying glass

Do you find yourself constantly asking people to repeat themselves? Do you have a hard time hearing in noisy environments? If so, you may need hearing aid repairs. Many people wait until their hearing aids are completely broken before seeking help, but this can be time-consuming. This article will discuss the common signs that you need hearing aid repairs.

1. The Batteries Are Dead or Dying

The first sign that you may need hearing aid repairs is if the batteries are dead or dying. There are a few steps to take if this happens. First, check your batteries and make sure they haven’t expired, as this could be the reason why they aren’t working. If they have not expired, then try replacing them with new ones before proceeding with more extensive repair options.

2. You’re Experiencing feedback

Feedback is a common problem that can occur when your hearing aids aren’t working properly. This happens when the sound from the hearing aid is amplified so much that it causes a ringing or squealing noise in your ears. If you are experiencing feedback, try turning down the volume on your hearing aids and make sure they fit correctly in your ears. You may also need to have them serviced or repaired if there is something wrong with how they function.

3. They don’t fit Right

The next sign you may need hearing aid repairs is if they don’t fit right. A good fit can make all the difference when it comes to comfort and clarity of sound, so make sure that your new devices are fitted properly before using them. If there is a problem with how well they fit in your ears, this could cause issues such as feedback or discomfort while wearing them, affecting how well you hear through them. 

4. You’re Experiencing distortion

Distortion is another common issue that can occur when your hearing aids aren’t working properly. This happens when the sound is not being processed correctly, which can result in a fuzzy or unclear sound. If you are experiencing distortion, try cleaning the devices and making sure they are fitted well in your ears. You may also need to have them serviced if there is something wrong with the way they are processing sound. 

5. They Are Making Noise

The last sign you may need hearing aid repairs is if they are making noise. This could be due to feedback, distortion or other issues with how well your devices are processing sound, so try cleaning them and making sure that they fit well in your ears before using them again. If there is still an issue after this, then it’s time for servicing! 

6. You’re Experiencing Drainage or Infection

Another common issue that can occur with hearing aids is drainage or infection. This happens when moisture gets trapped inside the device and causes bacteria to grow. If you notice any drainage coming from your ears, make sure to clean them thoroughly and see a doctor if the problem persists. You may also need to have your hearing aids serviced to contribute to the moisture build-up.